Timers (LP Classic)
This documentation is for LiquidPlanner Classic: app.liquidplanner.com
List Timers
You can request a list of your timers in a given workspace:
% curl https://app.liquidplanner.com/api/v1/workspaces/:id/my_timers
Show Timer
To access your timer for a particular task:
% curl https://app.liquidplanner.com/api/v1/workspaces/:id/tasks/:task_id/timer
This will always return a timer object (either a running/stopped timer, or a newly created “stub” timer – but never nil).
Start a Timer
On success, returns the affected timer
% curl https://app.liquidplanner.com/api/v1/workspaces/:id/tasks/:task_id/timer/start -X POST
Stop a Timer
On success, returns the affected timer
% curl https://app.liquidplanner.com/api/v1/workspaces/:id/tasks/:task_id/timer/stop -X POST
Clear a Timer
On success, returns the affected timer
% curl https://app.liquidplanner.com/api/v1/workspaces/:id/tasks/:task_id/timer/clear -X POST
Tracking Time via a Timer and Updating Estimates
You can enter hours worked from a timer, update your estimate, add a comment, and restart the timer with a single POST using the commit method on task timers.
The following request tracks the time recorded in the timer for the task with ID 79104 in the workspace with ID 1 for activity ID 1, and sets the remaining estimate to a low of 1.5 days and a high of 3 days. Note that the timer will no longer exist after this command.
% curl https://app.liquidplanner.com/api/v1/workspaces/:id/tasks/:task_id/timer/commit -X POST -d '{ "activity_id": 1, "low": "1.5d", high: "3d" }'
Available Parameters:
Parameter | Description |
activity_id | id of the activity for the work; required if you are using timesheets and provide a value for work |
low | low estimate for remaining work, hours (or a string such as “4h”, “0.5d”); usually optional, must be provided if you provide high, and omitted or set to ‘0’ when setting is_done |
high | high estimate for remaining work, hours (or a string such as “4h”, “0.5d”); usually optional, must be provided if you provide low, and omitted or set to ‘0’ when setting is_done |
is_done | if true, marks task as done; low and high must each be omitted or explicitly zero |
comment | comment to add to the task, optional |
note | note to add to the timesheet entry, optional |
Updated 25 days ago