Moving and Packaging Items (LP Classic)

This documentation is for LiquidPlanner Classic:

Moving Items

Every item (except the root) has a parent container.

To move an item into a container without specifying its position in the container, simply update the item’s parent_id. This will move the item into the specified container in last position.

To specify an item’s position within a container, POST to one of the following:

  • move_before
  • move_after
    with a parameter:
  • other_id - the ID of the other item, before of after which to move this item

For example:

% curl -X POST
% curl -X POST

or, where applicable:

  • packaged_other_id - the ID of the other item (in its packaged location!), before or after which to move this item

For example:

% curl -X POST
% curl -X POST

Packaging Items

Leaf items may be both moved and packaged, while container items may only be moved (but not packaged).

When you package an item, its package_id is set to that of the containing package, but its parent_id remains the same. Its effective priority for scheduling becomes that of its packaged location (whether this is higher or lower than the priority of its “real” location).


You can only package an item if its parent is not a package (i.e. when its parent is a folder or a project).

To specify an item’s packaged position within a container, POST to one of the following:

  • package_before
  • package_after


  • other_id - the ID of the other item, before or after which to package this item

For example:

% curl id -X POST
% curl -X POST


Note that you never use the packaged_other_id here, because it is unambiguous which other you mean (either its package_id is set, or its parent_id is that of a package – but never both).