Estimates and Time Tracking (LP Classic)

This documentation is for LiquidPlanner Classic:

Tracking Time and Updating Estimate

In LiquidPlanner Classic you can update your estimate, track hours worked, and add a comment with a single POST using the track_time method on tasks.

NOTE: When you track time via the API, the remaining effort estimate does not decrement automatically like in the UI. You will need to set the reduce_estimate parameter to true or pass the low and high parameters to update the remaining estimate.

The following request tracks four hours of work on a task and sets the remaining estimate to a low of 1.5 days and a high of 3 days:

% curl -X POST \
       -d '{ "work":"4", "low": "1.5d", "high": "3d", "activity_id":12345}'

Available Parameters:

member_idid of the member to track work against and comment as; optional, defaults to you (the current user)

NOTE: you cannot track time for virtual members via the API.
workhours worked; optional
activity_idid of the activity for the work; required if you provide a value for work
lowlow estimate for remaining work, hours (or a string such as “4h”, “0.5d”); usually optional, must be provided if you provide high, and omitted or set to ‘0’ when setting is_done
highhigh estimate for remaining work, hours (or a string such as “4h”, “0.5d”); usually optional, must be provided if you provide low, and omitted or set to ‘0’ when setting is_done
is_doneif true, marks task as done; low and high must each be omitted or explicitly zero
done_ondatetime on which the task was done; valid only when is_done=true, defaults to now
work_performed_ondate on which the work was performed, default today
commentcomment to add to the task (use
for line break), optional
notenote to add to the timesheet entry (use \n for line break), optional
reduce_estimateif true, reduces high and low remaining effort estimates by the hours in the work parameter; optional

Updating and Deleting Tracked Time

To update or delete existing tracked time, use append URL parameter.

Append is true by default. When append is true, track_time will add the work amount to the existing tracked time for any treeitem, member, activity and date combination.

If append set to false, track_time will override the existing timesheet entry value.

Calling track_time for any existing treeitem, member, activity, and date combination with append is set to false will replace the corresponding logged time with the work amount specified in the request body.

Calling track_time for any existing treeitem, member, activity and date combination with append set to false and work=0 will delete the existing time entry.

Example of updating an existing time entry:

% curl -X POST
       -d '{"member_id": 123, "work":"4", "activity_id":12345, "work_performed_on": "2017-12-13"}'