August 2022 – End of updates for LP Classic API


We're no longer updating the API for LiquidPlanner Classic:

However, the API is still being supported. If you find bugs or run into other issues while using the API with your Classic Workspace please contact [email protected].

In August 2022 we released the API for LiquidPlanner New which is available for accounts subscribing to the ULTIMATE Plan on LiquidPlanner New (

August 2020 (LP Classic)

8/17 – UPDATED: We've removed support for TLS (Transport Layer Security) versions 1.0 and 1.1 in LP Classic.

March 2019 (LP Classic)

3/21 – FIXED: Filter by custom field in the LP Classic API now correctly finds items where text custom field value starts with “0”

February 2019 (LP Classic)

2/27 – NEW: Last access date has been added in the output for the Members endpoint in LP Classic.

January 2019 (LP Classic)

1/9 - NEW: Offset parameter has been added to timesheet_entries endpoint to allow paging of results.

November 2018 (LP Classic)

11/14 - CHANGED: You can now limit the number of entries returned on the timesheet_entries endpoint using the “limit” parameter. This limit is set to 1000 by default on unfiltered requests.

May 2018 (LP Classic)

5/2 – FIXED: Webhooks no longer get disabled after updating a project for a packaged task.
5/8 – FIXED: Workspace changes request now returns change records sorted by created_at date in ascending order.

Release 87 (LP Classic)

February 10, 2018

Release 86 (LP Classic)

January 13, 2018
No API changes in Release 86.

Release 85 (LP Classic)

December 9, 2017
No API changes in Release 85.