LiquidPlanner Classic Forum
getting tasks last_updated uses what timezone?
*Posted on behalf of Jeremy W. Original posting date 2019-04-01.*
If I do a request something like:
```/tasks?filter[]=item_type=Task&filter[]=last_updated after 2019-03-15``` does it use midnight UTC or is it using my user's (by token) timezone?
Posted by LiquidPlanner Support almost 5 years ago
filter by tasks done in last 7 days
*Posted on behalf of Lee Raybone. Original posting date 2018-03-13.*
Is it possible to filter to the tasks done in the last 7 days via the API?
Posted by LiquidPlanner Support almost 5 years ago
upcoming tasks for multiple members
*Posted on behalf of Ricardo Signes. Original posting date 2017-07-11.*
I want to track how much work is in various states. Namely, per member:
* how many tasks in the inbox with no estimate
* how many tasks in the inbox with an estimate
* how many tasks in the "urgent" package
The "urgent" package is near the top of tree, so I know that if I start from "the top" I'll get to the end of urgent pretty quickly. So, the simplest thing, which I already use when individuals ask for this data, is to get upcoming_tasks with a high-enough limit that I'm sure to get all their tasks.
This is no good, though, when I want to get a report across all members. It's far too slow. There are 27 members, and each one takes several seconds. It takes me two minutes to run the program. The upcoming_tasks endpoint seems only to work for one member at a time (which seems fine), and I've been trying to get the same data another way.
I'm getting ```/tasks?filter[]=done is false&limit=500``` and then pulling the data out of that. I'm not entirely confident in this. Once I'm limiting, I want to know that I've got the data sorted usefully. I'm not sorting, here, because my only remotely plausible order is "earliest_start," but inbox tasks have no start date. I can't tell whether the natural ordering is sufficient: will it list items in their display order? The program, written this way, takes about 15 seconds.
Ideally, I would be able to write a query that said:
/tasks, (contained in INBOX or contained in Urgent) AND is_done is false AND (member_id in LIST-OF-IDS)
Posted by LiquidPlanner Support almost 5 years ago
Filter by custom field not set
*Posted on behalf of Eolinger. Original posting date 2017-06-05.*
There is no API call to filter by custom fields that are not set, this seems to be an oversight because clearly the UI has this ability. I thought that the API was supposed to replicate the UI functionality but clearly that does not seem to be the case here. Can this feature be added to the feature request list as it would be helpful. The alternative, integrating through the entire collection of tasks to find the ones not set is highly inefficient for large databases.
Posted by LiquidPlanner Support almost 5 years ago
Filtering currently assigned tasks
*Posted on behalf of Laszlo Peter. Original posting date 2016-02-22.*
I would like to filter those active tasks that are currently assigned to me and I have any TODO with them. I tried the following filter:
```.../workspaces/MYWORKSPACEID/tasks?filter[]owner_id=MYID&filter[]=is_done is false```
With this filter I get those tasks which was created by me, but if a task has multiple owners, and my part is done (I already marked done), I wouldn't like to see this task. If someone else crated a task, and added me as a second owner, I would like to see that task also, until I mark done "my part" of this task.
Thank you!
Posted by LiquidPlanner Support almost 5 years ago
How to use filter_conjunction=OR
*Posted on behalf of Bfunkhouser. Original posting date 2015-09-30.*
I'm trying to filter a tasks query to limit it to a list of owner_id's. Thus, I want:
&filter=owner_id = ????
I read the API Guide, but I don't understand what it means by "If you specify filter_conjunction=OR, then items matching any of the supplied filters will be returned." I've tried everything I can think of so far.
The catch is, I only want the OR to apply to the owner_id filters - the other filters I want it to treat as &. I may have figured out the OR, but does that then make it apply to all the other filters too?
/workspaces/{WorkspaceID}/tasks?filter[]=is_done is false&filter[]=is_on_hold is false&filter_conjunction=OR&filter[]=owner_id = {OwnerID}&filter[]=owner_id = {51561}
Posted by LiquidPlanner Support about 5 years ago
I am unable to get the API limit filter to work when returning treeitems
*Posted on behalf of Chris Pauly. Original posting date 2015-08-05.*
I want to find the package name containing the earliest, active project/task inside our active queue package of items for a given client. So I tried writing this API call:
```[]=is_done is false&filter[]=client_id=:clientid&limit=1
It returns the items I want... although I only care about the first item. Is there a reason the limit parameter doesn't work for this API call?
Posted by LiquidPlanner Support about 5 years ago
Filtering projects with the API
*Posted on behalf of a customer. Original posting date 2015-01-29.*
Hello, I hope you are well today.
I make the following curl request
This works.
However, I’d like to only get the projects if the “external_reference” value is not null. (ideally if the external_reference equals a specific string), but essentially it’s the same question. (the api documents show external_reference so I do believe this is a universal field for all LP users.)
Of course I can pull all projects and loop through the results but it would be really nice to just pull the projects that have external_reference values I need.
Is this possible through one curl request? if so, could you provide me with an example? If not is there any plan for functionality like this through the API in the future? (I won’t need this functionality for another month or so)
Please let me know if I need to clarify my question.
Thank you for your time.
John Moscarillo
[curl request edited by LiquidPlanner support]
Posted by LiquidPlanner Support about 5 years ago
Can you filter on a custom field value through the API?
*Posted on behalf of a customer. Original posting date 2014-08-20.*
Using the LP API is it possible to filter using a custom field value? That is, I want my API call to return all of the projects which have a particular custom field value set.
Something like this:
```[]=custom_field_values contains MP_Type
I imagine the answer is "no", based on the API documentation, but I thought I'd ask anyway.
Posted by LiquidPlanner Support about 5 years ago
Pull all packages with milestone named Deployment
*Posted on behalf of Jacob Raccuia. Original post date 2014-05-29*
What would be the best way to pull all packages inside parent package with this ID: 123456789 that have a deployment milestone? Does a filter exist for that? The only thing I’ve found so far is to pull all treeitems and filter the deployment milestones.
The milestone is called Milestone - Deployment
Posted by LiquidPlanner Support about 5 years ago