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Can't seem to assign multiple owners on an active task

*Posted on behalf a customer. Original posting date 2015-01-14.* I have an active task but still i can't assign a task to multiple users, my code is following please let me know where i am wrong ``` jQuery.ajax({ url :';, type: 'POST', beforeSend : function(xhr){ xhr.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'); }, ``` ``` data: JSON.stringify({ "task": { "name": "My task created in LP First", "parent_id": ########, "assignments": [{"person_id":111111},{"person_id":222222}] } }), ``` ``` dataType: 'json', contentType:'application/json; charset=utf8', success: function(data){ console.log(data); } }) ``` I am working to JIRA to LiquidPlanner integration, i am trying to assign multiple users to a task with the help of following script i am POSTing but i am getting the error 404 NotFound, and if i am using PUT then i am getting 400 BadRequest "You can only set assignments on newly-created items. Use update_assignment." my script is following. ``` jQuery.ajax({ url :'';, type: 'PUT', beforeSend : function(xhr){ xhr.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'); }, ``` ``` data: JSON.stringify({ "task": { "name": "My task created in LP First", "parent_id": ########, "assignments": [{"person_id":111111},{"person_id":222222}] } ``` ``` }), dataType: 'json', contentType:'application/json; charset=utf8', success: function(data){ console.log(data); } }) ``` how to do update_assignment in existing task, i couldn't find anything about update_assignment in REST api docs.