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Get Notes via API

*Posted on behalf of William. Original post date 2014-07-14* I am having some serious trouble getting notes from tasks via the API. I'm using nearly every other task GET call and they are all executing just fine. Not sure what I'm doing wrong with the notes, but I continually receive the message: error: "NotFound", message: "Record not found (or you don't have permission to access it).", type: "Error" I know for a fact that the task includes a note, both via the LP site and my tasks API call as the property has_note = 1. Also, if I visit the page directly in my browser while logged in, I see the note. I just can't get it to come through in json. Any idea what I'm doing wrong here?

Not being granted access when trying to list information for "collaborate" page

*Posted on behalf of Deja Jackson. Original post date 2014-07-13* I'm currently trying to use Curl in order to display the comments, documents, links, and notes in a workspace. When I type this command: curl,documents,links,note there is an error that pops up. I'm wondering if I'm typing this command right or if something else is wrong. By the way I'm typing these commands using the LiquidPlanner API guide. ![SScreen Shot 2014-07-13 at 6.59.33 PM.png](

Github Integration

*Posted on behalf of Max. Original post date 2014-07-08* We keep our code repo on github ... and while LP states it has an open API and talks about people integrating github via that API, there is no service listed for LiquidPlanner on github. ... so I then investigate Webhooks ... webhooks are available both in Github and LP ... but not sure how I can set this up? Bascially, I want to be able to see in LP when a commit (or other event) is made on Github - that way both ourselves and the clients can see the update that was made in LP and have a link to the record in github to see the details. On the Github side it has: - payload url - content type - secret. Can we get a URL and secret for each project / package / milestone - where can we get this from? Is it possible to have the info pushed from github to my projects ... please advise. It looks like the LP webhooks are from pushing info from LP into some other app ... is there some extra information on how to do this .... or maybe to push issues to github from LP. Would really like to use this ... and working this out and getting some extra information/blogpost about this out to the community can only help strengthen LP. BTW: many other project systems ARE listed in github services ... sort of surprised LP isn't already there.

C# API access - Custom Fields

*Posted on behalf of Lee Raybone. Original posting date 2015-06-22.* Is this possible in C#, when creating a new task? How would I be accessing the custom fields on the task? Also is it plausible to access the Estimate and the Deadline using C# on creation of task? Regards

Can the API pull out task history data?

*Posted on behalf of Joe Eskenazi. Original posting date 2016-04-12.* After reviewing the LP API pdf, we have not been able to determine whether it's possible to access task history data, such as the specific date(s) on which a custom field value is updated by a user on a given task. For example, see the 'FJ Status' field in the attached screenshot.

Object / Records Retrieval (C#)

*Posted on behalf of Savio.FERNANDES. Original posting date 2016-03-23.* I am trying to retrieve objects/records within LiquidPlanner through the API. I have my C# solution with classes defined and methods written. However, I am seeing some inconsistency in the documentation and I am running into errors. For example, The below retrieves members from the workspace: ``` return GetObject<List<Member>>(get("/workspaces/" + this.WorkspaceId + "/members")); ``` However in the API guide, it is stated that the object is “Members”. Capital “M”. Which does not work. Additionally, in the types page here, the type is listed as “Member”. Capital “M” and without the “s”, which also doesn’t work. I need to specify “members”, lowercase “m” and plural. Same with activities: In the guide and types page it states “Activities” and “Activity” respectively. And in fact, I need to use “activities”. So is there a list somewhere that showcases the types with the exact naming scheme? Another example….in the API guide states “CustomFieldValue”. But that doesn’t work. So I’m not sure what combination to use to target it through the API. Anyway, let me know if I can get a list.