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Object / Records Retrieval (C#)

Posted on behalf of Savio.FERNANDES. Original posting date 2016-03-23.

I am trying to retrieve objects/records within LiquidPlanner through the API.

I have my C# solution with classes defined and methods written.

However, I am seeing some inconsistency in the documentation and I am running into errors.

For example,

The below retrieves members from the workspace:

return GetObject<List<Member>>(get("/workspaces/" + this.WorkspaceId + "/members"));

However in the API guide, it is stated that the object is “Members”. Capital “M”. Which does not work.

Additionally, in the types page here, the type is listed as “Member”. Capital “M” and without the “s”, which also doesn’t work.

I need to specify “members”, lowercase “m” and plural.

Same with activities:

In the guide and types page it states “Activities” and “Activity” respectively. And in fact, I need to use “activities”.

So is there a list somewhere that showcases the types with the exact naming scheme?

Another example….in the API guide states “CustomFieldValue”. But that doesn’t work. So I’m not sure what combination to use to target it through the API.

Anyway, let me know if I can get a list.