LiquidPlanner Classic Forum

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Creating custom field through API

*Posted on behalf of Yashoraj Agarwal. Original posting date 2018-07-27* Is it possible to create custom fields through API?

Linkfy a comment in track_time API?

*Posted on behalf of Matthew Horsfall. Original posting date 2018-07-24.* I want to submit comments in the track_time API that are linkified. That is, "" would be turned into an href in the LiquidPlanner ticket view. I can't see a way to do this. The API ( ) does not appear to take a 'linkify' argument, while the comments API does. How can I do this in the track_time API? Thanks.

feature request: does_not_contain filter

*Posted on behalf of Ricardo Signes. Original posting date 2018-07-01.* I'd like to be able to filter by "name does_not_contain X". It would also be nice to have "contains_word" and "does_not_contain_word" to match a string bounded on either side by some sort of word terminator, so I could match "pie" without matching "recipients."

duplicate items returned from treeitem query

*Posted on behalf of Ricardo Signes. Original posting date 2018-06-14.* I'm issuing this request: ``` my $uri = "/treeitems/?filter[]=package_id=$PKG_ID" . "&filter[]=is_done is false" . "&flat=true" . "&item_type is Task" . "&owner_id=$member_id"; ``` …and the array of items that I get back contains each tree item exactly twice. That is, item 1234 appears two times in the JSON array, as does item 2345, etc. I can suppress a duplicate result as well as the next person, but why is this happening?

API access Date put on Hold

*Posted on behalf of Lee Raybone. Original posting date 2018-04-17.* Is there a way to access the date that a task is put on hold? Cant see one on looking through the API guide, etc.