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trying to figure out if a user has a session started.

*Posted on behalf of a customer. Original posting date 2015-01-08.* **Customer asked:** Trying to have my own login page. I don't know how to figure out if a user has a session started. When session is not started browser listens to HTTP 401 and puts its Auth Dialog up which work, but I want to use my own. How to see when user is already logged in and display my own if not? **LP Support responded:** I talked to our dev team and unfortunately, there's no great foolproof way to do this. They said you can try making a request to: "" and look at the response. If it's a 302 (a redirect), then that means the user is already logged in. If not, then the user is not logged in. If it's redirecting to /login then the user is not logged in. If you're trying to piggy-back on the user session to make API calls - that isn't possible. **Follow-up question from customer:** I am using Javascript and can't figure out how to tell if I get a 302 response.

Cannot add tags to a task

*Posted on behalf of Jeannette Rigor. Original posting date 2014-12-19.* I am using the python API example , however when I create a task I am unable to create tags: Code sample: ``` task_options = { 'name': 'Bug ' , 'description': 'description' 'custom_field_values': { 'Task Status':'Backlog' }, 'tags':{ 'text':'bug' }, 'parent_id': int(inboxID) } ``` ``` new_task = lpSession.create_task(task_options) print "Added task %(name)s with id %(id)s" % new_task ``` All fields get created except the tags, please help. Thanks.

Problem with request throttling when using templates to create new projects via the api

*Posted on behalf of steve seeley. Original posting date 2014-12-08.* I’m having a problem with request throttling when using templates to create new projects via the api. We have a ticketing system (TS) that needs to feed ticket projects into LiquidPlanner (LP). We store the project definition as a template in LP. Because there is no copy/duplicate project in LP we have to read the project template in parts, then create the new project part by part. This is causing us to exceed the 30 request in 15 seconds limitation. Below is an example of a 21 request process. However this successful TS ticket to LP project only has 2 tasks with 3 checklist items on the first task and 2 checklist items on the second task. How can I reduce the number of request for this process. Thanks, Steve I’ve replaced our workspace ID with 123456 for our protection. ```---> find correct project template based on tags``` ```[]=name%20=%20Venice%20Templates ---> get Venice Template Package``` ``` ---> get templates (HSPICE & Collateral)``` ``` ---> get HSPICE tags (api & vcat_hspice)``` ``` ---> get Collateral tags (api & vcat_collateral)``` ``` ---> get INBOX ID to place new project into (11782703)``` ```---> create new project``` ``` {"project":{"parent_id":11782703,"name":"Create Kitadake Seabird DB","owner_id":490753,"description":"This is a collateral task description"}}``` ```---> add tags``` ``` {"tag":{"text":"api"}}``` ``` {"tag":{"text":"collateral"}}``` ```---> add 1st task``` ``` {"task":{"name":"First Task","parent_id":19032157,"description":""}}``` ``` {"person_id":490753}``` ``` {"low":9,"high":33}``` ``` ---> get template checklist items for 1st task``` ```---> add checklist items to 1st task on new project``` ``` {"checklist_item":{"name":"Contact Customer","sort_order":0}}``` ``` {"checklist_item":{"name":"Call Customer Again","sort_order":1}}``` ``` {"checklist_item":{"name":"Call Customer","sort_order":1}}``` ```---> add 2nd task``` ``` {"task":{"name":"Second Task","parent_id":19032157,"description":""}}``` ``` {"person_id":490753}``` ``` {"low":0,"high":0}``` ``` ---> get template checklist items for 2nd task``` ```---> add checklist items to 2nd task on new project``` ``` {"checklist_item":{"name":"Contact Customer","sort_order":0}}``` ``` {"checklist_item":{"name":"Call Customer","sort_order":1}}```