LiquidPlanner Classic Forum
Webhook setup to engage an API when a project is modified
Posted on behalf of a customer. Original post 2014-07-05
I have a webhook setup to engage an API when a project is modified. When I mark it as done, for some reason my JSON object is showing the done value as “False”
'{ "work": 0.0, "alerts": [], "client_id": null, "client_name": null, "created_at": "2014-07-14T11:25:56-05:00", "created_by": 377107, "custom_field_values": { "Product": "Systems Integration" }, "done_on": "2014-07-15", "started_on": "2014-07-14", "delay_until": null, "parent_delay_until": null, "description": "", "earliest_finish": null, "earliest_start": null, "expected_finish": null, "expected_start": null, "p98_finish": null, "global_priority": [ 1, 2307 ], "has_note": false, "high_effort_remaining": 0.0, "is_done": true, "is_on_hold": false, "latest_finish": null, "low_effort_remaining": 0.0, "manual_alert": "", "max_effort": null, "contract_value": null, "name": "ZDIntegrationTest", "owner_id": 275414, "parent_id": 7918694, "parent_ids": [ 7918694 ], "parent_crumbs": [], "promise_by": null, "parent_promise_by": null, "external_reference": null, "updated_at": "2014-07-15T16:59:07-05:00", "updated_by": 275414, "type": "Project", "id": 16094875, "change_type": "update", "changes": { "is_done": false } }'
I had this working at one point, and now it’s not working anymore. Is there something that I need to look at? I combed the API documentation and I think I’m doing everything correctly, but I’m not sure.