LiquidPlanner will be unavailable from 10am until Noon US Pacific time on Saturday, November 19 for scheduled maintenance.

LiquidPlanner Classic API Types

Activity Alert Report Member Assignment Change ChecklistItem Client Comment CurrencyCustomField CustomFieldValue DateCustomField Dependency Document Estimate Event Folder Inbox LineitemExpense Link Milestone Note NumberCustomField Package PartialDayEvent PickListCustomField Project RecurrencePattern Root Occurrence Workspace Tag Task Team TextCustomField Timer TimesheetEntry Timesheet TodoItem Snapshot Webhook



Name Conditional Visibility Writeable Description
billable Done boolean flag; does not affect application behavior, but its value is reflected in a timesheet export
name Done activity name shown in the UI and exported in timesheet export
shared Done boolean flag; if true, then the activity is selectable for time tracked for items contained by any and all clients and projects; if false, then the activity is selectable only for those clients and projects for which it is specifically configured
space_id space ID



Name Conditional Visibility Writeable Description
description human-readable explanation of the alert condition
flag "red" for an error or urgent condition, "yellow" for a warning or notification, "manual" for a manual alert
key symbolic key for the type or kind of alert
name human-readable value of key
space_id space ID



Name Conditional Visibility Writeable Description



Name Conditional Visibility Writeable Description
avatar_url URL of avatar image, a GIF no larger than 50x50
created_at Date/time the member was added into the workspace
daily_availability Array of daily availablity in hours each day, beginning with Sunday
overdrive_scheduling Whether load balancing is turned on/off for the person
last_access the date this member last accessed the workspace
external_reference arbitrary string or ID, with no meaning to LiquidPlanner itself; this value will be exported with timesheet data in XML or CSV formats
team_name the name of this member's team, or blank if none
timezone name of the timezone for the member (from the zoneinfo or tz database)
user_name nickname or preferred name for this member; used in @user_name comments



Name Conditional Visibility Writeable Description
activity_id the id of the expected activity for this assignment, if any.
can_destroy whether an assignment can be destroyed. Assignments that have logged time, or are the only assignment on a treeitem, may not be destroyed.
daily_limit Value of this item's daily limit, as a decimal
done_on the date on which this assignment was marked done.
expected_finish the date on which there is 50% probability the assignment will be finished
expected_start derived from the expected_finish of the preceding assignment
high_effort_remaining the high value of the current estimate for this assignment
hours_logged a rollup of time logged by a given person on a given task
is_done if true, this assignment is done
is_owner a non owning assignment on a container indicates that the assignment is a part of the team, but not the containers owner.
low_effort_remaining the low value of the current estimate for this assignment
person_id The id of the person who owns this assignment, if any.
position a numeric value indicating the ordering of this assignment with respect to other assignments on the same treeitem.
space_id the id of the space to which this assignment belongs
team_id The id of the team which owns this assignment, if any.
treeitem_id the id of the treeitem to which this assignment belongs



Name Conditional Visibility Writeable Description
change_type kind of change (CRUD, minus the 'R')
item_id ID of changed item



Name Conditional Visibility Writeable Description
completed Done (true|false) has this checklist item been completed ?
completed_at timestamp
completed_by member ID of the person who marked this checklist item as complete
created_at timestamp
created_by member ID of the checklist item creator
name Done name of this checklist item
owner_id Done member ID of the checklist item owner
sort_order Done order of this checklist item
space_id space ID
item_id item ID
updated_at timestamp
updated_by member ID of the last person to update this checklist item


Type Information:

Meta Value
owner_limit 1
supports_estimates false


Name Conditional Visibility Writeable Description
work sum of the work tracked against items contained by this client
alerts array of zero or more alerts
assignments Done
billable_expenses Done The total of all billable lineitem expenses associated with this client.
contract_value Done Done
description Done plain-text description of the client
earliest_finish timestamp for 10% probable finish of all tasks in the client
earliest_start timestamp for 10% probable start of some task in the client
effective_is_on_hold boolean, if set to true, all tasks in the client are not scheduled
expected_finish timestamp for 50% probable finish of all tasks in the client
expected_start timestamp for 50% probable start of some task in the client
p98_finish timestamp for 98% probable finish of latest task in the client
has_note true if there is a note for this client
high_effort_remaining high (worst case) estimate of remaining effort to complete client
is_done Done boolean, if set to true, all tasks in the client are done and therefore not scheduled
is_on_hold Done boolean, if set to true, all tasks in the client are not scheduled
latest_finish timestamp for 90% probable finish of all tasks in the client
done_on Done timestamp specified by user (or defaulted to "now") when the client is marked done
started_on the date on which work first started for the client
low_effort_remaining low (best case) estimate of remaining effort to complete all tasks for this client
manual_alert Done arbitrary string; if nonblank, generates an alert on this item
name Done name of this client
nonbillable_expenses Done The total of all nonbillable lineitem expenses associated with this client.
external_reference Done arbitrary string; use e.g. to store a reference ID from an external system
occurrences array of schedules for each occurrence of the item
space_id space ID
total_expenses Done The total for all lineitem expenses, billable and nonbillable, associated with this client.



Name Conditional Visibility Writeable Description
at_member_ids list of member IDs referenced by inclusion of an "@user" string in the comment
at_person_ids list of member IDs referenced by inclusion of an "@user" string in the comment
comment Done text of the comment
created_at timestamp
created_by member ID
member_id member ID of the commentor
person_id member ID of the commentor
plain_text text of the comment, with lines wrapped and HTML tags stripped
space_id space ID
item_id Done item ID
updated_at timestamp
updated_by member ID



Name Conditional Visibility Writeable Description
category kind of item this field applies to, currently 'project' or 'task'
name name, unique w/in workspace



Name Conditional Visibility Writeable Description
color color
label value / choice
sort_order ordinal value for sorting values for display



Name Conditional Visibility Writeable Description
category kind of item this field applies to, currently 'project' or 'task'
name name, unique w/in workspace



Name Conditional Visibility Writeable Description
prerequisite_item the prerequisite item that must be done before the dependent item can start
prerequisite_item_id Done the ID of the the prerequisite item that must be done before the dependent item can start
satisfied true if the independent item is done
state 'good' if dependency is valid; otherwise one of 'circular', 'same_owner', 'on_hold', 'on_deleted'
dependent_item_id the ID of the the dependent item that cannot start until the independent item is done
wait_time_unit Done the unit of the wait time for this dependency. Can be "days" or "week_days".
wait_time_value Done the value of the wait time for this dependency.



Name Conditional Visibility Writeable Description
file_name Done file name, used in download links in the UI
space_id space ID
description Done plaintext description of the file
item_id Done item ID



Name Conditional Visibility Writeable Description
high Done high (worst case, 90% confidence) value for effort remaining, in hours
low Done low (best case, 10% confidence) value for effort remaining, in hours
owner_id Done ID of the owner of the item at the time the estimate is created
space_id space ID


Type Information:

Meta Value
supports_estimates false


Name Conditional Visibility Writeable Description
activity_id Done ID of the activity most recently used for tracking time against this item, suggested for use as a default
work sum of the work tracked against this item
alerts list of zero or more alerts for this item
parent_crumbs array containing name of parent plus all ancestor names
parent_ids array containing parent_id plus all ancestor ids (including root)
assignments Done array of hashes containing ownership, estimation, expected activities, and other information for the item. WRITABLE ONLY ON NEWLY CREATED ITEMS. To modify assignments on existing treeitems, use the update_assignment action.
billable_expenses Done The total of all billable lineitem expenses associated with this treeitem.
client_id ID of the client associated with this item's project, if any
client_name Name of the client associated with this item's project, if any
custom_field_values Done hash of custom fields and their assigned values for this item
description Done plaintext summary of this item
earliest_finish identical to finish_date
earliest_start identical to start_date
effective_is_on_hold if true, then the event is on hold, and will not be scheduled
expected_finish identical to finish_date
expected_start identical to start_date
p98_finish identical to finish_date
global_package_priority overall rank within the package tree ("prioritize")
global_priority overall rank within the folder tree ("organize")
has_note true if the item has a note
high_effort_remaining calculated as the availability of the event owner for the duration of the event
is_done Done if true, then the item is done; it has 0 effort, no schedule dates, and any dependencies on it are satisfied
is_on_hold Done if true, then the event is on hold, and will not be scheduled
is_packaged_version if true, then this is the packaged version of a packaged item
is_shared Done if true, then the event may be visible on a project portal
latest_finish identical to finish_date
done_on the date on which this item was completed, defaulted to today if the item is marked done today
started_on the date on which this item was started
start_date Done the date on which this event starts
finish_date Done the date on which this event ends
low_effort_remaining calculated as the availability of the event owner for the duration of the event
manual_alert Done editable, arbitrary string; if nonblank, generates an alert on this item
max_effort Done limit on the number of hours of work; triggers a flag if exceeded
name Done name of this event
nonbillable_expenses Done The total of all nonbillable lineitem expenses associated with this treeitem.
package_ids array containing package_id plus all package ancestor ids (including root)
package_crumbs array containing name of package plus all package ancestor names
package_id Done ID of the package the event belongs to, if any
parent_id Done ID of the parent project/folder/package
project_id ID of the project containing this item, if any
external_reference Done arbitrary string; use e.g. to store a reference ID from an external system
occurrences array of schedules for each occurrence of the item
space_id space ID
total_expenses Done The total for all lineitem expenses, billable and nonbillable, associated with this treeitem.


Type Information:

Meta Value
owner_limit 1
supports_estimates false


Name Conditional Visibility Writeable Description
work sum of the work tracked against all items in this container
alerts list of zero or more alerts for this item
parent_crumbs array containing name of parent plus all ancestor names
parent_ids array containing parent_id plus all ancestor ids (including root)
assignments Done array of hashes containing ownership, estimation, expected activities, and other information for the item. WRITABLE ONLY ON NEWLY CREATED ITEMS. To modify assignments on existing treeitems, use the update_assignment action.
client_id ID of the client associated with this item's project, if any
client_name Name of the client associated with this item's project, if any
description Done plaintext description of this item
earliest_finish the date on which there is 10% probability all items in this container will be finished
earliest_start derived from the earliest_start of the earliest item in the container
effective_is_on_hold if true, then the item is on hold, and will not be scheduled
expected_finish the date on which there is 50% probability all items in this container will be finished
expected_start derived from the expected_start of the earliest item in the container
p98_finish the date on which there is 98% probability all items in this container will be finished
global_priority overall order within the folder tree ("organize")
has_note true if the item has a note
high_effort_remaining sum of the high_effort for the items in this container
is_done Done if true, then the item is done; it has 0 effort, no schedule dates, and any dependencies on it are satisfied
is_on_hold Done if true, then the item is on hold, and will not be scheduled
latest_finish the date on which there is 90% probability all items in this container will be finished
done_on Done the date on which this item was completed, defaulted to today if the item is marked done today
started_on the date on which this item was started
delay_until Done a date before which no item in this container will start
parent_delay_until delay until inherited from parent container
parent_promise_by promise date inherited from parent container
promise_by Done if the expected_finish of the item falls after this date, an alert is generated
low_effort_remaining sum of the high_effort for the items in this container
manual_alert Done arbitrary string; if nonblank, generates an alert on this item
max_effort Done limit on the number of hours of work; triggers a flag if exceeded
name Done name of this item
parent_id Done
project_id ID of the project containing this item, if any
external_reference Done arbitrary string; use e.g. to store a reference ID from an external system
occurrences array of schedules for each occurrence of the item
space_id space ID


Type Information:

Meta Value
owner_limit 1
supports_estimates false


Name Conditional Visibility Writeable Description
work sum of the work tracked against all items in this container
alerts list of zero or more alerts for this item
parent_crumbs array containing name of parent plus all ancestor names
parent_ids array containing parent_id plus all ancestor ids (including root)
assignments Done array of hashes containing ownership, estimation, expected activities, and other information for the item. WRITABLE ONLY ON NEWLY CREATED ITEMS. To modify assignments on existing treeitems, use the update_assignment action.
description Done plaintext description of this package
earliest_finish the date on which there is 10% probability all items in this container will be finished
earliest_start derived from the earliest_start of the earliest item in the container
effective_is_on_hold if true, then the item is on hold, and will not be scheduled
expected_finish the date on which there is 50% probability all items in this container will be finished
expected_start derived from the expected_start of the earliest item in the container
p98_finish the date on which there is 98% probability all items in this container will be finished
global_priority overall order within the folder tree ("organize")
has_note true if the item has a note
high_effort_remaining sum of the high_effort for the items in this container
is_done if true, then the item is done; it has 0 effort, no schedule dates, and any dependencies on it are satisfied
is_on_hold if true, then the item is on hold, and will not be scheduled
latest_finish the date on which there is 90% probability all items in this container will be finished
done_on Done the date on which this item was completed, defaulted to today if the item is marked done today
started_on the date on which this item was started
delay_until Done a date before which no item in this container will start
promise_by Done if the expected_finish of the item falls after this date, an alert is generated
low_effort_remaining sum of the low_effort for the items in this container
manual_alert Done arbitrary string; if nonblank, generates an alert on this item
max_effort Done limit on the number of hours of work; triggers a flag if exceeded
name name of this item
parent_id Done
external_reference Done arbitrary string; use e.g. to store a reference ID from an external system
occurrences array of schedules for each occurrence of the item
space_id space ID



Name Conditional Visibility Writeable Description
billable Done The billable amount of the expense. May be written as a decimal value or a string. Assumed to be in the workspace's currency.
description Done A short description of the expense.
nonbillable Done The nonbillable amount of the expense. May be written as a decimal value or a string. Assumed to be in the workspace's currency.



Name Conditional Visibility Writeable Description
space_id space ID
description Done used as link text in UI
item_id Done item ID
url Done used as link HREF in UI


Type Information:

Meta Value
supports_estimates false


Name Conditional Visibility Writeable Description
activity_id Done ID of the activity most recently used for tracking time against this item, suggested for use as a default
work sum of the work tracked against this item
alerts list of zero or more alerts for this item
parent_crumbs array containing name of parent plus all ancestor names
parent_ids array containing parent_id plus all ancestor ids (including root)
assignments Done array of hashes containing ownership, estimation, expected activities, and other information for the item. WRITABLE ONLY ON NEWLY CREATED ITEMS. To modify assignments on existing treeitems, use the update_assignment action.
billable_expenses Done The total of all billable lineitem expenses associated with this treeitem.
client_id ID of the client associated with this item's project, if any
client_name Name of the client associated with this item's project, if any
custom_field_values Done hash of custom fields and their assigned values for this item
description Done
earliest_finish defined as 23:59:59 of the milestone date, local to the milestone owner
earliest_start defined as 23:59:59 of the milestone date, local to the milestone owner
expected_finish defined as 23:59:59 of the milestone date, local to the milestone owner
expected_start defined as 23:59:59 of the milestone date, local to the milestone owner
p98_finish defined as 23:59:59 of the milestone date, local to the milestone owner
global_package_priority overall order within the package tree ("prioritize")
global_priority overall order within the folder tree ("organize")
has_note true if the item has a note
high_effort_remaining defined as 0
is_done Done if true, then the item is done; it has 0 effort, no schedule dates, and any dependencies on it are satisfied
is_on_hold Done
is_packaged_version if true, then this is the packaged version of a packaged item
is_shared Done
done_on the date on which this item was completed, defaulted to today if the item is marked done today
started_on the date on which this item was started
date Done the target or promise date for this milestone; an alert is generated if the milestone is not done and this date is in the past, or if the milestone depends on an item whose expected_finish is later than this date
low_effort_remaining defined as 0
manual_alert Done
max_effort Done limit on the number of hours of work; triggers a flag if exceeded
name Done
nonbillable_expenses Done The total of all nonbillable lineitem expenses associated with this treeitem.
package_ids array containing package_id plus all package ancestor ids (including root)
package_crumbs array containing name of package plus all package ancestor names
package_id Done ID of the package the milestone belongs to, if any
parent_id Done ID of the parent project/folder/package
project_id ID of the project containing this item, if any
external_reference Done arbitrary string; use e.g. to store a reference ID from an external system
occurrences array of schedules for each occurrence of the item
space_id space ID
total_expenses Done The total for all lineitem expenses, billable and nonbillable, associated with this treeitem.



Name Conditional Visibility Writeable Description
note Done
space_id space ID
item_id item ID



Name Conditional Visibility Writeable Description
category kind of item this field applies to, currently 'project' or 'task'
name name, unique w/in workspace


Type Information:

Meta Value
owner_limit 1
supports_estimates false


Name Conditional Visibility Writeable Description
work sum of the work tracked against all items in this container
alerts list of zero or more alerts for this item
parent_crumbs array containing name of parent plus all ancestor names
parent_ids array containing parent_id plus all ancestor ids (including root)
assignments Done array of hashes containing ownership, estimation, expected activities, and other information for the item. WRITABLE ONLY ON NEWLY CREATED ITEMS. To modify assignments on existing treeitems, use the update_assignment action.
description Done plaintext description of this package
earliest_finish the date on which there is 10% probability all items in this container will be finished
earliest_start derived from the earliest_start of the earliest item in the container
effective_is_on_hold if true, then the item is on hold, and will not be scheduled
expected_finish the date on which there is 50% probability all items in this container will be finished
expected_start derived from the expected_start of the earliest item in the container
p98_finish the date on which there is 98% probability all items in this container will be finished
global_priority overall order within the folder tree ("organize")
has_note true if the item has a note
high_effort_remaining sum of the high_effort for the items in this container
is_done Done if true, then the item is done; it has 0 effort, no schedule dates, and any dependencies on it are satisfied
is_on_hold Done if true, then the item is on hold, and will not be scheduled
latest_finish the date on which there is 90% probability all items in this container will be finished
done_on Done the date on which this item was completed, defaulted to today if the item is marked done today
started_on the date on which this item was started
delay_until Done a date before which no item in this container will start
parent_delay_until delay until inherited from parent container
parent_promise_by promise date inherited from parent container
promise_by Done if the expected_finish of the item falls after this date, an alert is generated
low_effort_remaining sum of the low_effort for the items in this container
manual_alert Done arbitrary string; if nonblank, generates an alert on this item
max_effort Done limit on the number of hours of work; triggers a flag if exceeded
name Done name of this item
parent_id Done
external_reference Done arbitrary string; use e.g. to store a reference ID from an external system
occurrences array of schedules for each occurrence of the item
space_id space ID


Type Information:

Meta Value
supports_estimates false


Name Conditional Visibility Writeable Description
activity_id Done ID of the activity most recently used for tracking time against this item, suggested for use as a default
work sum of the work tracked against this item
alerts list of zero or more alerts for this item
parent_crumbs array containing name of parent plus all ancestor names
parent_ids array containing parent_id plus all ancestor ids (including root)
assignments Done array of hashes containing ownership, estimation, expected activities, and other information for the item. WRITABLE ONLY ON NEWLY CREATED ITEMS. To modify assignments on existing treeitems, use the update_assignment action.
billable_expenses Done The total of all billable lineitem expenses associated with this treeitem.
client_id ID of the client associated with this item's project, if any
client_name Name of the client associated with this item's project, if any
custom_field_values Done hash of custom fields and their assigned values for this item
start_time Done the UTC date and time of the beginning of the event
description Done plaintext summary of this item
earliest_finish identical to end_time
earliest_start identical to start_time
effective_is_on_hold if true, then the event is on hold, and will not be scheduled
expected_finish identical to end_time
expected_start identical to start_time
p98_finish identical to end_time
global_package_priority overall rank within the package tree ("prioritize")
global_priority overall rank within the folder tree ("organize")
has_note true if the item has a note
high_effort_remaining calculated as the availability of the event owner for the duration of the event
is_done Done if true, then the item is done; it has 0 effort, no schedule dates, and any dependencies on it are satisfied
is_on_hold Done if true, then the event is on hold, and will not be scheduled
is_packaged_version if true, then this is the packaged version of a packaged item
is_shared Done if true, then the event may be visible on a project portal
latest_finish identical to end_time
done_on the date on which this item was completed, defaulted to today if the item is marked done today
started_on the date on which this item was started
low_effort_remaining calculated as the availability of the event owner for the duration of the event
manual_alert Done editable, arbitrary string; if nonblank, generates an alert on this item
max_effort Done limit on the number of hours of work; triggers a flag if exceeded
name Done name of this event
nonbillable_expenses Done The total of all nonbillable lineitem expenses associated with this treeitem.
package_ids array containing package_id plus all package ancestor ids (including root)
package_crumbs array containing name of package plus all package ancestor names
package_id Done ID of the package the event belongs to, if any
parent_id Done ID of the parent project/folder/package
project_id ID of the project containing this item, if any
finish_time Done the UTC date and time of the end of the event. Must be no more than 24 hours after start_time.
recurrence_pattern settings for recurrence of a partial day event
external_reference Done arbitrary string; use e.g. to store a reference ID from an external system
occurrences array of schedules for each occurrence of the event
space_id space ID
total_expenses Done The total for all lineitem expenses, billable and nonbillable, associated with this treeitem.



Name Conditional Visibility Writeable Description
category kind of item this field applies to, currently 'project' or 'task'
values array of the allowed values for this field
name name, unique w/in workspace


Type Information:

Meta Value
owner_limit 1
supports_estimates false


Name Conditional Visibility Writeable Description
alerts array of zero or more alerts
parent_crumbs array containing name of parent plus all ancestor names
parent_ids array containing parent_id plus all ancestor ids (including root)
assignments Done array of hashes containing ownership, estimation, expected activities, and other information for the item. WRITABLE ONLY ON NEWLY CREATED ITEMS. To modify assignments on existing treeitems, use the update_assignment action.
billable_expenses Done The total of all billable lineitem expenses associated with this project.
client_id Done ID of the client associated with this project, if any; modifying this value changes the client_id of all items contained by this project
client_name Name of the client associated with this item's project, if any
contract_value Done Done
custom_field_values Done hash of custom fields and their assigned values for this item
description Done plain-text description of the project
earliest_finish timestamp for 10% probable finish of all tasks in the project
earliest_start timestamp for 10% probable start of earliest task in the project
expected_finish timestamp for 50% probable finish of latest task in the project
expected_start timestamp for 50% probable start of earliest task in the project
p98_finish timestamp for 98% probable finish of latest task in the project
global_priority overall order within the folder tree ("organize")
has_note true if there is a note for this project
high_effort_remaining high (worst case) estimate of remaining effort to complete project
is_done Done boolean, if set to true, all tasks in the project are done and therefore not scheduled
is_on_hold Done boolean, if set to true, all tasks in the project are not scheduled
latest_finish timestamp for 90% probable finish of latest task in the project
done_on Done the date on which this item was completed, defaulted to today if the item is marked done today
started_on the date on which this item was started
delay_until Done a date before which no item in this project will start
parent_delay_until delay until inherited from parent container
parent_promise_by promise date inherited from parent container
promise_by Done if the expected_finish of the item falls after this date, an alert is generated
low_effort_remaining low (best case) estimate of remaining effort to complete project
manual_alert Done
max_effort Done limit on the number of hours of work; triggers a flag if exceeded
name Done
nonbillable_expenses Done The total of all nonbillable lineitem expenses associated with this project.
parent_id Done for projects, this is the ID of the root folder for the workspace or the package containing this project
external_reference Done
occurrences array of schedules for each occurrence of the item
space_id space ID
total_expenses Done The total for all lineitem expenses, billable and nonbillable, associated with this project.



Name Conditional Visibility Writeable Description
cycle_count Done number of cycles to schedule. Should be null unless finish_type is "ongoing".
cycle_type Done "weekly" for every week, "biweekly" for every other week
days_of_week Done days when the event should occur on each cycle. 0 is Sunday, 6 is Saturday.
finish_type Done If "ongoing", "cycle_count" cycles will be scheduled. If "fixed", cycles will be scheduled up to and including "until_date".
until_date Done end date of recurrences. Should be null unless finish_type is "fixed".


Type Information:

Meta Value
owner_limit 1
supports_estimates false


Name Conditional Visibility Writeable Description
work sum of the work tracked against all items in this container
alerts list of zero or more alerts for this item
description plaintext description of this item
earliest_finish the date on which there is 10% probability all items in this container will be finished
earliest_start derived from the earliest_start of the earliest item in the container
expected_finish the date on which there is 50% probability all items in this container will be finished
expected_start derived from the expected_start of the earliest item in the container
p98_finish the date on which there is 98% probability all items in this container will be finished
high_effort_remaining sum of the high_effort for the items in this container
is_done always false for the root
latest_finish the date on which there is 90% probability all items in this container will be finished
low_effort_remaining sum of the high_effort for the items in this container
name name of this item
occurrences array of schedules for each occurrence of the item
space_id space ID



Name Conditional Visibility Writeable Description
earliest_finish the date on which there is 10% probability the task will be finished
earliest_start derived from the earliest_finish of the preceding task
expected_finish the date on which there is 50% probability the task will be finished
expected_start derived from the expected_finish of the preceding task
p98_finish the date on which there is 98% probability the task will be finished
latest_finish the date on which there is 90% confidence the task is finished



Name Conditional Visibility Writeable Description
default_units either 0 (for "hours") or 1 (for "days"), this is the assumed units for a bare numeric (without suffixed "days" or "hours") estimate input in the UI; note that the API always assumes "hours" for bare inputs and emits values in hours, so an API client that wishes to behave like the UI must perform appropriate conversions (either multiplying by hours_per_day or suffixing "days" to numbers on input, and dividing by hours_per_day on output) if this attribute is set to 1 (for "days")
hours_per_day a number between 0 and 24 representing the ratio of (work) hours per day
week_start start of week (timesheet period), 0-6 where 0 is sunday



Name Conditional Visibility Writeable Description
text Done text of the tag
item_id Done item ID
type 'Package', 'Project', or 'Folder' for inherited tags. 'Native' for tags added directly to an item. Only 'Native' tags may be directly created or deleted.


Type Information:

Meta Value
supports_estimates true


Name Conditional Visibility Writeable Description
activity_id Done ID of the activity most recently used for tracking time against this workitem, suggested for use as a default
work sum of the work tracked against this task
alerts list of zero or more alerts for this item
parent_crumbs array containing name of parent plus all ancestor names
parent_ids array containing parent_id plus all ancestor ids (including root)
assignments Done array of hashes containing ownership, estimation, expected activities, and other information for the item. WRITABLE ONLY ON NEWLY CREATED ITEMS. To modify assignments on existing treeitems, use the update_assignment action.
billable_expenses Done The total of all billable lineitem expenses associated with this treeitem.
client_id ID of the client associated with this item's project, if any
client_name Name of the client associated with this item's project, if any
custom_field_values Done hash of custom fields and their assigned values for this item
description Done plaintext summary of this item
earliest_finish the date on which there is 10% probability the task will be finished
earliest_start derived from the earliest_finish of the preceding task
effective_is_on_hold if true, then the item is on hold, and will not be scheduled
expected_finish the date on which there is 50% probability the task will be finished
expected_start derived from the expected_finish of the preceding task
p98_finish the date on which there is 98% probability the task will be finished
global_package_priority overall order within the package tree ("prioritize")
global_priority overall order within the folder tree ("organize")
is_estimated if true, then this item has been estimated
has_note true if the item has a note
high_effort_remaining the high value of the current estimate for this task
is_done Done if true, then the item is done; it has 0 effort, no schedule dates, and any dependencies on it are satisfied
is_on_hold Done if true, then the item is on hold, and will not be scheduled
is_packaged_version if true, then this is the packaged version of a packaged item
is_shared Done if true, then the task may be visible on a project portal
latest_finish the date on which there is 90% confidence the task is finished
done_on Done the date on which this item was completed, defaulted to today if the item is marked done today
started_on Done the date on which this item was started
delay_until Done a date before which this task cannot start
package_delay_until delay until inherited from package (if any)
package_promise_by promise date inherited from package (if any)
parent_delay_until delay until inherited from parent container
parent_promise_by promise date inherited from parent container
promise_by Done if the expected_finish of the item falls after this date, an alert is generated
low_effort_remaining the low value of the current estimate for this task
manual_alert Done arbitrary string; if nonblank, generates an alert on this item
max_effort Done limit on the number of hours of work; triggers a flag if exceeded
name Done name of this item
nonbillable_expenses Done The total of all nonbillable lineitem expenses associated with this treeitem.
package_ids array containing package_id plus all package ancestor ids (including root)
package_crumbs array containing name of package plus all package ancestor names
package_id Done ID of the package the task belongs to, if any
parent_id Done ID of the parent project/folder/package
project_id ID of the project containing this item, if any
external_reference Done arbitrary string; use e.g. to store a reference ID from an external system
occurrences array of schedules for each occurrence of the item
space_id space ID
total_expenses Done The total for all lineitem expenses, billable and nonbillable, associated with this treeitem.
work_in_order Done



Name Conditional Visibility Writeable Description
member_ids the id's of the people who are members of the team
name the name of the team



Name Conditional Visibility Writeable Description
category kind of item this field applies to, currently 'project' or 'task'
name name, unique w/in workspace



Name Conditional Visibility Writeable Description



Name Conditional Visibility Writeable Description
billing_amount Done
billing_rate Done
note plaintext explanation or details of the work
pay_amount Done
pay_rate Done
space_id space ID
state status of the timesheet for this entry -- one of 'open', 'submitted', or 'accepted'
timesheet_id this entry's timesheet period id
item_id item ID
work quantity in hours of work performed on this date by this person for this task and activity



Name Conditional Visibility Writeable Description
space_id space ID
state status of the timesheet



Name Conditional Visibility Writeable Description
completed date when todo item was completed if it was completed else 'null'
is_done Done boolean value indicating whether this todo item is done
position numeric value indicating the position of this todo item relative to other todo items (position 0 is at the top of the list)
title Done title for this todo item



Name Conditional Visibility Writeable Description
high high (worst case, 90% confidence) value for effort remaining, in hours
low low (best case, 10% confidence) value for effort remaining, in hours
item_id item ID



Name Conditional Visibility Writeable Description
enabled Done true if this webhook is enabled
event Done the event on which this URL is enabled
space_id space_id for this webhook
target_url Done the target URL for this webhook